Does Oral Sex Transmit Warts?

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is one of the most common sexually transmitted viruses. Warts are one of the most common symptoms of HPV infection, and these warts often appear in the genital area. However, wart formation is not limited to this area. HPV can also cause warts in the mouth and throat.

Oral sex is one of the ways HPV spreads, and this can lead to the formation of warts in the mouth and throat region. During oral sex, the virus can pass from the infected person's genital area or mouth to the mouth of their partner. This can lead to the formation of warts in the mouth and throat area of the receiving partner during oral sex.

It is estimated that about 25% of mouth and throat cancers in the head-neck region and 35% of throat cancers are associated with HPV. Therefore, the HPV treatment and follow-up protocol should be implemented for patients diagnosed with warts in the mouth, as it is for genital warts. If a high-risk type of HPV is detected, it is important to closely monitor the patient and to implement the vaccination protocol fully if necessary.

In addition, a person carrying the HPV virus in their mouth can transmit the virus to others through mouth-to-mouth, mouth-to-genital, or mouth-to-anus transmission. This is particularly at risk during oral sex. These situations demonstrate that HPV is a sexually transmitted virus and oral sex is a potential route for the spread of the virus. Therefore, awareness about sexual health and HPV is crucial in preventing the spread of HPV.

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